Nanga parbat Expedition

"Embark on an incredible Nanga Parbat Expedition, an adventure to conquer the ninth highest mountain in the world and the second highest peak in Pakistan. Our journey begins with a scenic drive from Islamabad to Chilas, following the legendary Karakoram Highway.From there, we'll continue...

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k2 Expedition

K2, also known as Chogori, is the world's second-highest peak, towering at an impressive elevation of 8,611 meters. It proudly holds the title of being the highest mountain in Pakistan. Situated within the Karakoram Range, K2 straddles the border between the Baltistan region in Gilgit-Baltistan, Pakistan, and...

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Gasherbrum II Expedition

Gasherbrum II (8,034m) is the 13th-highest peak in the world. It is located in the second-highest mountain range in the world which is known as the Karakoram. On 7th July 1956, three Austrians got successful in climbGasherbrum II, standing at an impressive altitude of 8,034 meters, proudly...

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Gasherbrum I Expedition

Gasherbrum I, standing proudly as the 11th-highest peak globally, finds its majestic location in the Gilgit Baltistan region of Pakistan. This colossal mountain is an integral part of the Gasherbrum massive, situated within the Karakoram region of the Himalayas...

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Broad Peak Expededtion

Broad Peak, towering at an impressive 8,051 meters (approximately 26,414 feet), is a prominent 8,000-meter peak nestled in the Karakoram Range of Northeastern Pakistan. As the 12th highest mountain on Earth, it proudly represents a remarkable challenge...

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