Gandogoro Peak Expedition

Hushe village marks the final destination where the jeep road culminates. Situated 140 kilometers to the east of Skardu, Hushe serves as the pivotal starting point for a multitude of expeditions and treks leading to a plethora of summer pastures and five magnificent glaciers. The journey unfolds alongside the...

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Laila Peak Expedition

Laila Peak, standing tall at 6,096 meters in the Hushey Valley, is an exquisite spectacle amid the world's snow-covered mountains. Nestled near the Gondogoro glacier, this remarkable Laila Peak is a majestic creation of nature. With an elevation of 6,096 meters, it shares this height with several other peaks...

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Drifika Peak Expedition

Nestled within the pristine expanse of the Charakusa Glacier in the Karakoram region of Pakistan, Drifika Peak commands attention with its imposing altitude of 6,447 meters. This formidable mountain presents an alluring yet major challenge for seasoned climbers, renowned for being one of the most...

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Paju Peak Expedition

Paju Peak, a splendid gem within the Karakoram mountain range, stands out for its unique allure. While it may be considered relatively easier to ascend compared to some of its towering neighbors, only a handful of expedition teams have ventured to conquer its heights. The base camp of this remarkable peak is...

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