Shipton Spair Expedition

Shipton Spire is another captivating rock formation within the Trango Group of mountains. It stands in close proximity to Trango Tower and ranks among the most challenging peaks in the Karakoram Range.

Situated approximately three miles across the Trango Glacier, just above the point where the North and South Hainabroq Glaciers merge, Shipton Spire is a sought-after destination for mountaineers. It can be reached with a two-hour walk from the Trango Towers Group on the Upper Trango Glacier.

The spire emerges from the massive glacial confluence, presenting an awe-inspiring and formidable sight. Climbers from all corners of the world are drawn to these impressive rock towers.

While the climbing is undeniably demanding, the quality of the rock is exceptional. The major route features a 29-pitch, 4,400-foot big wall, with pitches rated at 6c, 7b, and 7b+. This climb undoubtedly offers the highest level of technical challenge one can encounter on a Karakoram granite tower.


Day Program Time Hieght Stay
1 Welcome to Pakistan (Islamabad overnight 500-M Hotel
2 Fly to Skardu subject to weather ,Drive to Chilas 12-13hrs 1200-M Hotel
3 Drive from Chilas to Skardu 8-9hrs 2450-M Hotel
4 Free day/Prepration/sight seeing Hotel
5 Drive to Askoli by Jeep 6-7hrs 3000 -M Camp
6 Trek to Jula 5-6hrs 3250-M Camp
7 Trek to Paju Camp 6-7hrs 3460-M Camp
8 Trek to Shipton Base Cam 5-6hrs 4700-M Camp
9-30 Acclimatation/Climbing Day Camp
26 Trek back to Koro Fong 5-6hrs 3150-M Camp
27 Trek to Askoli ,Drive to Skardu by Jeep 8-9hrs 2450-M Hotel
28 Fly to Islamabad ,subject to weather Drive to Chils 8-9hrs 1200-M Hotel
29 Drive from Chilas to Islamabad 12-13hrs 500-M Hotel
30 Onward to your own Distinations