Punjab Urial Hunting

Punjab Urial hunting epitomizes the quintessential mountain hunting experience. It demands not only the use of a precise rifle, quality spotting scope, and binoculars but also a willingness to traverse extensive and rugged terrain. The hunting method primarily consists of the spot-and-stalk technique. It often commences in the early morning when the hunter and their guide(s) venture out to strategic vantage points for scanning the mountains in search of potential trophy specimens. The day frequently concludes after numerous unsuccessful attempts to close the distance for a successful shot, extending until darkness sets in.


Days Activities
1 1 Day ,Arrive Islamabad International Airport Transfer To Hotel
2 2 Day Drive From Islamabad -kalabagh Overnight In Guest House
3 3 Day ,Hunting Period (4 Days)
4 7 Day, Drive From Kalabagh To Islamabad
5 8 Day , Transfer To Islamabad International Ariport Onward To Your Own Destination.